Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma.
There are 3 major types of cells in the human blood. Red cells, White cells and Platelets also known as thrombocytes. These platelets are responsible for all the healing that occurs inside and outside of the body, as they contain a plethora of growth factors and other such elements that help in the healing of the human tissue. When these platelets are concentrated in high quantity, and focused at any particular site, it enhances the condition of the tissue at that particular region (skin, hair). This occurs as a result of a process which is initiated by these platelets called “Neo-Angionesis”, which literally means – formation of new blood vessels.

More the blood supply to a specific region leads to renewal and regeneration of the tissues. This is concept is used in cosmetology for treatments of skin and hair.
PRP is a proven, semi-Invasive treatment modality for hair restoration, as it causes activation of the hair follicle and can also give rise to newer hair units from the follicle.
• It is a chair side procedure with very less treatment time.
• It is carried out using an individual’s own blood which means its completely autogenous.
• Its safe, with no to minimal side effects.
• Its carried out under local anesthesia.
• Less recovery time
• The individual can resume his/her daily activity, immediately post treatment