Cyclic Vitamin therapy & Topical Therapy

Vitamins and other elements like Calcium, Iron, Folic Acid etc. are form an essentially crucial part of hair loss treatment. Also along with these topical serums that carry essential medications that stop hair fall and promote hair growth are given in the form of serums or drops. This adjunct form of treatment is given in cases of mild to moderate hair fall and also when hair growth is slow.
These treatment protocols also form an adjunct with semi invasive and surgical treatments like PRP and Hair transplants. They aid in the formation & growth of the hair follicle and also promote long-term Growth of the hair follicle from the treatment provided.

At , we have developed our special protocol for the cyclic Vitamin therapy wherein all the essential Vitamin, Minerals and other essential elements necessary for hair growth combined with our in-house topical serums form the backbone of our treatments. These are administered to our patients in a cyclic rhythm by which the effect on hair growth is maximum and has good tolerability from the patient’s aspect.